Thursday, January 10, 2013

Random thoughts to start the year

Happy New Year everyone!  I trust your holidays were wonderful, I know mine were but I am happy to be into the new year and back to a routine.  As I was reviewing how 2012 went I realized I had somewhat reached my goal of posting once a month, due in most part to multiple posts in some months, which made up for the months I missed. I have decided to keep with the same goal for 2013, with the intent of greater consistency (we will see now, won't we!)  But a couple of random thoughts have recently risen to my attention and figured now is as a good a time as any to share.

The first is, I am "insanely normal." I live a quiet life, but not the life of a hermit as some may percieve, but overall, insanely normal. I was in the bank the other day and had to sign on an electronic signature pad. It took a bit for my signature to register in the computer, so I asked "it accepted it?" The woman looked at me replying "why, have you had problems before?" to which I said "no, I am who I am, have been for 50 years and insanely normal," to which she laughed and we parted company. I am grateful for my normal life, I have struggles like everyone else but purposely try to avoid difficulty when I can, I'm not sure others do. I appreciate being the unique human GOD made me to be, but have come to appreciate more the similarities my life has to others who live quiet lives. But enough about this....suffice it to say I am learning to love normalcy.

My second random thought has to do with becoming an "expert." I was watching the weather channel as I do in the morning (and at night before bed, and on the weekends, and, and .....yeah I'm a weather channel junky.) Moving on, I listened as the broadcaster talked about an upper level distrubance mixing with a surface low creating such and such a condition causing storms to something or ruther over the southern states. I began to imagine myself having a conversation with someone about the weather ('cuz that's what we do in New England) and saying "yeah, there is an upper level distrubance mixing with a surface low causing....blah, blah, blah.) Oh how knowledgable I would sound, just like an expert.  Many years ago, a former boss told me the true definition of expert - EX means "former" and XPERT is "a drip of water."  I think the internet has made many experts in the world, don't you agree?

So in closing, I think for 2013 I'm going to go for "happy, healthy, productive and insanely normal." I'm going to try to stay away from sounding like an "ex-pert" and out of difficulties that can be avoided. A toast to insanely normal! See you soon again.


  1. Okay, you be "insanely normal" and I'll be "normally insane!" lol

  2. I think we had the same former boss - I remember him saying that several times! I know I truly appreciate when my life is in its routine. Here's to "insanely normal."
